Ark of the Bukhara

Hi😇.Today we had a wonderful tower of the Ark🌍. It was cold but beautiful day❄️. We learned a lot about Ark.The Ark of Bukhara is a massive fortress located in city of Bukhara,Uzbekistan,that was initially built and occupied around the 5 th century AD. The Ark was used as a fortress until it fell to Russia in 1920. Currently, the Ark is a tourist attraction and houses museums covering its history.The museums and other restored areas include an archeological museums,the throne room , the reception and coronation court ,a local history museums and the court mosque.🕌 Entrance to the Ark fortress, photographed around 1907 by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky The ceremonial entrance into the citadel is architecturally framed by two 18th-century towers. The upper parts of the towers are connected by a gallery, rooms, and terraces. A gradually rising ramp leads through a winch-raised portal and a covered long corridor to the mosque of Dzhuma. The covered corridor offers access to storerooms and ...