Jo'bori kalon madrasah
Assalamu alaykum my darlings welcome to my blog 🤗 Today we visited to Jobori kalon madrasah. Weather is cold but sunny 🌞 We started our practice at 10 a.m.
The madrasah Dzhuibory Kalon is in the city of Bukhara in Uzbekistan. The madrasah in the XV—XVII centuries, as well as the majority of historical buildings in Bukhara is constructed. In the XVIII—XIX centuries this madrasah was included into an education system of Bukhara. In the 19th century of madrasah it was used as Muslim school — there came students from all Turkestan: from the cities of Khiva, Samarkand, Tashkent and also from the Tatar settlements of Russia. Now the building of madrasah is an architectural monument and belongs to the world heritage of UNESCO.
The madrasah Dzhuibory Kalon is in a southwest part of the city, near a park zone. The madrasah on crossing of three streets is located: Dzhuibor, Yim Gazoli Valya and Hauzi Nau. Near madrasah Dzhuibory Kalon there are some more architectural monuments. This other madrasah of Validai Abdullaziz-hana, an architectural complex Khalifa Hudoydod and the Olmos hotel placed in the two-storeyed building built in style of architecture of Bukhara.
Prepared by Askarova Kamola Akbarovna 15FLL-22
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